
Professional Laboratory Management, Inc. (PLM) has a long and successful history as an innovator in laboratory medicine and administration. PLM is a laboratory management and consulting company, which includes data processing, laboratory management and software solutions. Through its proprietary software system, PLM is at the forefront of the laboratory information technology industry. In the current highly competitive market, the unique and unparalleled services offered by PLM provide the means to integrate data from numerous laboratory network members for the purposes of attaining and sustaining insurance contracts. PLM software and claims administration serve as the IT backbone of the Joint Venture Hospital Laboratories (JVHL) a statewide collective of hospital laboratories currently operating in Michigan and has revenues over $70M annually. This statewide network, the JVHL, has grown to include over 120 hospitals, independent laboratories and Pathology services, and currently holds twenty-five outpatient laboratory contracts. These otherwise non-aligned facilities through PLM’s software and claims management services are linked by virtual connection to all payers and providers. As a result the JVHL is viewed as a single entity to payers, thus allowing payers a simplified and reliable IT solution for its payment and NCQA and HEDIS reporting requirements.

PLM facilitates the exchange of laboratory charge, utilization, and result information so often required by payers. Further, PLM provides management reporting tools as well as customized enhancements invaluable to Network Administrators and Payers. It offers services that link physicians, PHO’s and payers to exchange claims information and laboratory data. It also offers disease management solutions to various healthcare entities.

PLM consistently demonstrates and delivers the IT solutions that are required based on the needs of both its Network and Payer clients. PLM maintains the highest levels of security, and with complete adherence to all applicable regulations, including the requirements outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).


SAS-70 Logo PLM works diligently to comply with applicable HIPAA and software auditing regulations. Its software and operations carry a SAS70 accreditation. PLM currently sends outgoing claims/encounter information in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 837 Health Care Claim Transaction set for professional claims format (Version 4010) and will be fully compliant with Version 5010 well in advance of January 2012. PLM receives claim status reports and remittance advice in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 (277 and 835, respectively) Health Care Claim Transaction sets for professional claims format. The PLM proprietary software System Security Policy and Standards document establishes computer usage guidelines to be adhered to by staff and agents in the course of their job duties on its computer systems. These guidelines are intended to protect the rights and privacy of patients, clients and employees. Further, it is PLM’s policy that personnel preserve the integrity and confidentiality of medical and other sensitive information pertaining to patients and clients.

Users on PLM’s Windows servers must comply with the system setting for authentication including password length, change interval, and password history. Access to the claims system is controlled by a unique user name and password. In addition, application level security is in place to control user access to specific transactions in the system. PLM uses a Secure Web server and a Secure FTP (SFTP) server connected to the internet to facilitate the passing of data between user organizations and PLM. User organizations access the server via Internet connections. All users have a unique user name and password to gain access to both the Web server and SFTP server. Each user has a unique directory for data storage which is only accessible by PLM network administration and the user organization.

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